Thursday, June 23, 2011

Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

Slumdog Millionaire was a great movie and always kept my attention. Just the characters drive through out the whole movie was amazing and all the different actors they used for each stage of their lives from a child to a young adult was well done. The director of this movie was Danny Boyle; Loveleen Tandon who also directed 127 Hours, 28 Days Later, two movies that I like very much and actually own all three of the movies.

The key actors were Dev Patel (Older Jamal), Freida Pinto (Older Latika) , Anil Kapoor (Prem), Irrfan Khan (Police inspector). To me these were the most important character through out the whole movie and also were the best played through out the movie. All of these actors did a great job in playing their roles in the movie.

Some of the most memorable moments would have to be when Jamal jumps into the poo just so he can meet his favorite actor and get his autograph. One other moment would have to be when his mom dies right in front of his brother. After that they end up having to make it on their own and from this they mold into the people they are later in the movie.

Definately one of the themes in this movie has to be love and that is through the whole movie that love is shown. Another theme is poverty and coming from nothing but not letting anything get you done and stop you from getting what you want in life. Also just the drive to be free in the movie by the actors is apparent that they want to get away from the poverty that they are living in.

This movie was so sweet, I really enjoyed the love story in it and how it shows that no matter what Jamal was going through he always put Latika first. He loved her so much and was willing to do anything for her to make her happy. There was a sign around every corner telling Jamal that he should just let her go and move on with his life but he wouldn't let that slow him down. He always fights for what he wants in the movie. Jamal has a really good heart and nothing ever seems to break his spirit and like that the director did that. I thought he picked some really good actors that no one has really even heard of. For beign a bunch of no namers they were phenominal and kudos to them.

I liked that the director showed what life is really like in India and how hard it is to do something with your life if you don't come from any money. The director did a great job on writing the story and making this film so that it was enjoyable and easy to watch. It always kept your attention and I liked how he did that. The part that was so cool was how he was getting all these questions that nobody should get right and he was because of all the different things that had happened to him in his life. The part of the movie I thought the director did a great job of doing.

There were plenty of symbols in this movie and one has to be the hundred dollar bill and how the blind kid knows exactly what he has in his possesion. It is not known around those parts of India and no many people even get to see one of those in their lifetime because of how poor they are down there.

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