Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Casablanca" 1942

This movie was directed by  Michael Curtiz who also directed The Adventures of Robin Hood, and White Christmas two movies that were classics for their time. Needless to say but he directed some of the best movies of his era. Casablanca is just another movie that is always going to be a classic and I don't believe I have met anyone who has seen Casablanca and didn't like it in some way.

The main characters of the movie were Humphry Bogart (Rick Blaine), Ingrid Berman (Ilsa Lund), Paul Henreid (Victor Laszlo), Claude Rains (Capt. Renault).

Obviously a most memorable moment in the movie would have to be one of the most known lines in the movie buisness today "here's to looking at you kid". Some other memorable movie moments were when Rick talks to Victor about love and truth. Also another memorable moment is when  Rick decides to let Ilsa go with Victor and he shoots Streusser. Rick shoots the German Sargent just so his love can escape.

There were a couple themes in this movie true love, friendship, hope, coruption.

This movie was awesome I really liked it although I have seen it before I could watch it over and over again. I think it is a great love romance for its era but it wasn't to cheezy like some love movies. It's fun to watch old movies that were done right because you get to see a whole different way of acting and you also get a feel of how the old days were before we even were around. I really like the acting of Humphrey Bogart it seemed to me that he new what he was doing and he played the role to a tee. The movie had the classic love story of many of the movies that we see now in theatres around the country.

All around this movie was extremly good. The acting, plot and the settings were all done so well and expecially for its time. The director did a great job but thats what's expected from this guy his other movies that I have seen were done well to and I have nothing bad to say about either. Some people might complain about the movie being in black in white but if you are a true fan of movies I think you can appreciate a movie that was done like it was. For example when you watch the three stooges from the old days they are in black and white and as time went by they eventually made it to color, and in my opinion the three stooges in color just doesn't seem right. Just like if this movie was in color I don't think it would be as good, not even close actually. The movie being set during WWII was cool and it did a lot for the movie and added to movie a lot.

I think the director was definately trying to get some messages through to the viewers. People become who they are because of the different experiences that each of them have gone through in life. Growing and up and experiencing things molds you into the person that you have become in your own life. Love was another message that was being told in this movie in the way that sometimes no matter how much you love someone you both know you just can't be together, it's unhealthy for the both of you and will never work out. I think Rick getting his heart broken right away made the movie better because it made Rick more a hard ass and have the bad guy feel where he just doesn't give a hoot anymore. Ilsa played the same role as all women do in all movies we see today, a girl who cant figure out she wants and doesn't know what to do with herself. Always leading someone on but really wanting to be with the other and then back again. So i don't think that her part was all that significant but obviously she need to be in it just to make that love movie.

There were some symbolisms in the movie such as Rick's Cafe was basically America and people went there to get away for the oppression going on. The different officer represents the different people such as the United States, France and Germany. I also think that this makes it a greater connection to WWII. Which the director does a good job of putting symbolism into the movie.

I recommend this movie to everyone and I think everyone should see it. It was a great movie and shows a lot of stuff movies now days don't i think. You can tell a lot of time and effort went into this movie and it's planning along with acting which was phenomenal.

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