Friday, June 17, 2011

"Amelie" 2001

So the reason for this movie was I talked with some other past classmates who have taken this class and they all said that "Amelie" was a good movie and it was a love movie. Since it is hard for me to watch tv or any time of movie on my own time I have to convince my fiance to watch it with me. I told her that this movie was a love movie and so she let me and I'd have to say it really wasn't that bad and I actually enjoyed it.

It was directed by a man named Jean-Pierre Jeunot who also direct, "Delicatessen" and "City of Lost Children." I can't say that I have ever even heard of this director or any of the other movies that he has directed and I thought I was up in my movie game but I guess i was wrong. Some of the key actors in this film are Audrey Tautou (Amelie), Mattieu Kussovitz (Nino Quicampoix), Serge Martin (Dufayel), Rufus (Raphael Poulain), and Lorella Casvotta (Amandine Poulain).

Some key moments in the movie where when she found a little tin box in her bathroom and then she swears that she will return to the original owner no matter what. I find it kind of cool that she seem to be the match maker for everyone but herself and she doesn't really seem to want anyone to know. Kind of like a little grade schooler when they first like someone and their shy about the whole situations is what she reminded me of.

The themes of this movie were simple love and romance and more love and romance. It was great movie for these themes because it wasn't like one that I have seen. I liked that it was different and that people recommended me to watch it.

The analysis of this movie is that it was done well, it's hard to argue when it us up for so many awards and I believe won a lot of them for this movie. The director did a good job with this movie and it is good to see a small name actor that you don't hear a lot about making a good film and getting some recognition for it. It got a little confusing at time but made more and more sense as the movie went along. Possibly it was a little confusing just so that the viewer would feel they way Amelie was feeling and also how Audrey was playing her role in this movie. I liked how the director did it though I like being a little confused during a movie that way it keeps my attention through out.

The acting was very good for being actors and actresses that I personally have not heard of and don't think that a lot of other people have either. I was impressed with how well done this movie was and I would be curious to see how his other movies are that he directed. It's a very simple movie when it's all said and done I think, it's just a girl who has an incredible personality and even bigger imagination and just like everyone else she wants to find that person that will love her. So I think the movie did a great job of hitting this key point.

I think some of the messages that the director is trying to get through are that with the right person and the right kind of love that true happiness can occur. That you never know when your gonna walk into that persons life that you love so much and not even know that you just did so. Another one that I think was being betrayed was that you should never be afraid to go after who/what you want no matter what!

Some symbolism in this movie would have to be I think the person drinking water was Amelie because after all she know who she was and was searching to find her self. And the painter never could figure it out until she met the one that she loved.

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