Sunday, July 10, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows: Part 1(2010)

This movie was one of the many sequels to the famous book by J.K. Rowling. People always say that sequels are worse than the first one, even those these are based on a book series so it's not like someone tried to re-create them  but I believe that the movies got better as they went. The Harry Potter movies had four different directors dury the time of them being shot. David Yates was the director of this movie and also directed Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and is also directing the second part to this movie. The First two movies were directed by Chris Columbus and the next one was by Mike Newell, then the following by Alfonso Cuaron then David Yates took over.

In these series of movies we got to watch the kids grow up through out them. Harry, Weasley, and Hermione were the same actors the whole time. So they got better with age and with the different directors I think they learned something new more and more. That's why I would say that the sequels were better than the first movie and all of David Yates movies were awesome and by far are the best down of them all.

There were plenty of memorable moment in this movie such as when Harry gets face to face with Lord Voldermort. Also when Voldermort sends his goon squad after everyone who is protecting Harry. Harry leaves the school to take down him once and for all and Ron and Hermione are always there backing him along the way.

My overall analysis of this film is that  I realy liked it. it was really well done and put together well. It was my favorite one of them all and I thought did a good job of following the book. I've been a fan since I little and not i'm 22 and still watching so they gotta be doing something right in my opinion. I like how the director shows in the movies the characters growing up and acting more and more like adults and not children anymore.

The evaluation of the movie is that it was really well thought out and left a good cliff hanger for part 2 of the film which comes out this month. The lighting and special effects in the movie were awesome and if you go back and watch the first one it is crazy to see how far the industry has come. The movie seems more magical like it should now then it did during the first couple movies. I don't know if that is because of the different directors or just because there is more now that can be done with technology.

Interpretation of the film is that you should never run away from your fears. You should always stand up and take them head on. You don't wanna be living in fear your whole life, that would just be bad to be always looking out your window to see whats there.

This movie was very well done and I like many others enjoyed and I cannot wait to see the next one. Should be a good way to end it all. Crazy to think that all these movies started 10 years ago and its just now finishing. Also crazy what a persons imagination can do and create for other to enjoy and partake in.

Crash (2004)

  The movie "Crash" was directed by Paul Haggis who has also directed " The Next Three Days" and "In the Valley of Elah." Crash is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I love how it all ties together and how he and the actors did this movies. It was just amazing to see them bring this movie together. There were so many big name actors in this film such as Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Jennifer Esposito, William Fichtner, Brendan Fraser, Terrence Howard, Ludacris Bridges, Thandie Newton, Ryan Phillippe, Larenz Tate, and Machael Pena. All of these actors are big named and all them are still making big time movies today. They all were so good in this movie, I really like to see movies like this that keep you thinking and also how the director can tie things back to one another.

    Some memorable moments in this film is when Thandie Newton gets felt up by Matt Dillon when he pulls them over and searches them for no reson, and then later on he responds to a call were a car is tip upside down and is on fire. It so happens to be Thandie Newton in the car and she is screaming and doesn't want him to come anywhere near her. But if she wants to live she will have to. Another moment in the movie is when Don Cheadle finds his dead brother at the end of the movie just laying in the ditch.

     I think some themes of this movie are forgiveness, strength, trust, and letting go. Overall I enjoyed this movie very much and it was so awesome to watch all the pieces come together in the end and how everyone connected to one another in some way. I thought that was crazy and it definately blew my mind when I watched. I also go from the film that we live in a small world and you never know who or what you may run  into again just around the corner. I really enjoyed how the director really put every piece in order before he connected all of them in the second half of the movie.

    My evaluation of this movie was that I really liked how he started the movie with the ending and then back tracked to show how they got to that point and then showed the rest of the ending and him finding his brother to be the one dead. I'm not usually a fan of that sort of stuff but the director did a really good job of everything so I enjoyed it very much. I also liked the speech that don cheadle gives during the beginning about how we are all just behind glass and metal all day long and we long for eachothers touch. We want it so bad that we will crash into one another just to get it. I believe that to be true in every sense of the way.

    The interpretation of the film is that it is telling us that not only to be not racist but to trust in one another and to stop being so ignorant. We live in a world were there is so much crime and murder that we are starting to not be human and starting to not trust the guy to our left or right. It is getting bad out there and I think that is what the director is trying to get out in this movie.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Do the Right Thing (1989)

I have seen this movie before and I really like Spike Lee as a director. I think he does a great job in all of his movies. I really like He Got Game, i think that it is his best movie but that also could be the basketball fan coming out of me too.

Do the Right Thing was directed by Spike Lee who also directed Malcom X in 1992, Inside Man in 2006, and He Got Game in 1998. All of these movies i think were good and I really enjoyed this one too. Some of the key actors in this movie are Spike Lee himself Oscar Davis, Danny Aiello, John Turturro, Ruby Dee and Bill Nuh. The actors in this movie I thought did a pretty good job and I think they played thier roles very well.

Some of the memorable moments in "Do the Right Thing" were when the guy wants to boycott Sal's Pizzeria because there are no black pictures hanging up and also when Mookie throws the first Blow in the Riot. Some of the themes in this movie were Racism, Indifference, and Love.

The Analysis of this film is that is was good and I did enjoy it. I thought it a good job of showing the different racial discriminations that occur and I didn't think that this film would be so deep after watching it a again and also after reading the chapters in the book. I definately look at movies way different and i think that they make way more sense to me now that when I watch them. The one thing that I would knock is that this film kinda goes no where in a sense such as the first half of movie is the tension is so high you could cut it with a butter knife and the second is finally when it breaks and all hell breaks loose.

Overall evaluation of the film was that the acting was quite good and I enjoyed the actors in the movie. I think it is good to see diffent actors who don't see all the time in movies. I think it makes the movie more interesting to watch and see how they do at playing their roles. The setting of the movie was a good thing also due to the fact that it was in the inner city where there are a lot of different cultures mixed together and a ton of racism takes place there.

Some symbols that I noticed in the film were that the relationships between the characters and the racial differences and all the different ethnicities. Also it being the hottest day of the year thought it symbolizes how the tension was finally gonna break and explode into a huge thing.

Batman: Dark Knight (2008)

This has to be one of my favorite movies all time. I have seen all the batman movies including the ones from back in the day. There is no way that the Dark Night isn't the best one out of them all. The director Christopher Nolan who also directed "Batman Begins", "Momento", "Inception" and "The Prestige."Other than Momento I have seen them all and they are all amazing movies and would not dock any of them. Prestige is one of my top 5 movies of all time and i could watch it all the time.

The key actors in this film are Christian Bale, Aaron Eckhart, the late Heath Ledger, Michael Caine, Maggie Gyllenhal, Morgan Freeman, and Gary Oldman. Nolan did a great job of picking his cast for this movie they are all great actors and Maggie Gyllenhal did a good job of replacing Katie Holmes. I think it would of been way better if Holmes was in the movie but Gyllenhal did a great job of replacing her.

Some themes I picked up in this movie were evil never prosper, corruption, love, and power. All of themes themes are consistant with all the batman movies. There were plenty of memorable moments in this movie and some are when Batman says "Gotham needs a hero", also when Dent tells everyone that he is actually Batman and is protecting Batman because he knows that Gotham needs him to protect the people and the city. Another memorable moment is when the 18 wheeler gets flipped over and also the chase seen with the 18 wheeler and the explosions and everything else.

My analysis of  The Dark Knight is that all the actors did a great job of playing their parts. If you don't mention Heath Ledger as the best actor of the movie then you have got to be out of your mind. I think that it is probably the best performance by any actor in the past 10 to 15 years. Might be a bold statement but he was absolutely amazing. It's sad what happened to him and they said that he took a lot of drugs to play the part like he did. He really got into his character and thats what made this movie great. If he hadn't been the joker who knows how this movie would of turned out and how big of impact it would of had if not for him.

The evaluation of the movie is that the storyline was so sweet and it really drew in the audience. Nolan did an amazing job of pulling the crowd in through out the whole movie. I don't think that it could of been done any better. It was fantastic and i have never heard some one say that it was a bad movie and that they didn't like it.

Some symbols in the movie were the same sided coin getting burned and that corresponding with Harvey Dent becoming Two Face. It also was a symbol for fate and decisions that Harvey makes. The bat signal on top of the building is a symbol for hope.